Saturday, October 13, 2007

Duties incumbent upon me

I’m now on the local arts council, which over the next month means reviewing all the grant applications for next year to decide which art projects and cultural events should be funded and at what amounts. My personal priorities are projects that will have a long-term impact, high visibility, and use a local space that is currently underused. A mural that will stay up for 10 years is better than an art exhibit that will stay up for 2 months. An outdoor event in the middle of town is better than an indoor event that most people don’t hear about. A concert at the public bandshell that’s rarely used is better than a concert in a church basement.

There are also established priorities, such as funding events that will serve a variety of local populations (events for kids, events for retirement homes) and funding new projects. And there are legal requirements, such as not funding businesses and not funding activities that are supposed to be fully paid for by regular funding sources such as the school budget.

Arts councils are supposed to solicit public input, so: What sorts of art projects and cultural events do you think are important to provide funding for? What criteria would you use?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I don't know if I am public input within the meaning of the act, since I am not a resident of your fine Commonwealth, but I agree with your priorities. I also would think that a priority would be to build up relationships with (and amongst) artists. An indoor event that people don't hear about this year may be worth some funding if it will grow into an annual event that people do attend. But that longsight should be in the proposal. And successful (such as they are) groups should be encouraged to co-apply (if that's allowed) with new groups, so that an art exhibit themed to coincide with an event can be hung in the lobby of the senior center, etc, etc.

Also, as the local bureaucrat, you should try to work the procedures. Find out (if you can) what the rules are for using the schools, and then make that information available to grant-seekers. Keep a contact list for all the venues so that you can distribute it to people who need it, and if possible put that info in a nice table with capacity, permit needs, schedule info (whether they are open day or night, etc) and maybe the last event/exhibit. Become the institutional memory. Someone on the council may already be doing this, so you can work with hahahahahahaha. No, seriously, you have the knowhow and facility to track this stuff.
